Diesel Daisy Design

Friday, September 3, 2010

just tryin to help!

September 3, 2010 ~ Day three

Early this morning there was a discussion in our house that went something like this.......

"Mom, I had to use my cell phone as a light so I could see in my room." (Jessica)

"That is what lights are for." (Dad)

"My light has been burned out for weeks now, I am just waiting for someone to change it." (Jess)

"This is the first I have heard of it. I will try to fix it tonight or this weekend." (Dad)

"I can change it for her!!!" (Aaron)

"Thanks bud, that's ok, just wait and you can help me." (Dad)

Dad and Jessica leave to start their day. I tell Aaron I am going to take a quick shower and then I will take him to school.

Aaron thinks to himself, I could change that light, I just know I could. Wouldn't Dad be surprised and happy to not have one more thing to have to do this weekend? So he takes a bar stool and screw driver into the bedroom and proceeds to unscrew the cover to the lights. As he does this, the glass cover falls and shatters all over his sisters floor.

Terror strikes his fragile heart. Oh no! I am going to be in so much trouble. I was only trying to help. I was doing a good thing. He knocks on the door and is visibly upset. I ask him what is wrong and he says... nothing I will tell you about it when you are done.

I come out of the bathroom ready for something awful. He is in tears and very upset by this point.

"Aaron, what is wrong?" (mom)

"Mom, I am so sorry. I should have listend to Dad. He told me to wait but I thought I could help!" (Aaron)

"Help with what? What did you do?" (mom)

"I tried to change the light in Jessica's room and now there is glass everywhere." (Aaron)

"Oh no, Aaron, are you ok? Did you get cut?" (mom)

"I'm ok, I didn't get hurt but the light cover is broken! Dad is going to be so mad at me." (Aaron)

"Aaron, it is ok. Accidents happen. Yes, you should have listend to Daddy and this is why. You could have been hurt or you could break something. That is why Dad asked you to wait. It isn't because he didn't think you could do it but some things are better done with help. It will be ok. We will get the glass picked up and we will fix the light later. Thank you for trying to help." (mom)

Aaron and I went in and proceeded to pick up the glass and vacuum up the tiny pieces. I just pray we got it all.
The broken glass was easy to clean up, his broken spirit was harder to see. Did I get all the big pieces? What are the small pieces that will pierce him later? I so dearly love his spirit of helpfulness. He has a strong desire to prove himself. He has a kind heart and is always willing to help but especially wants to help with things that seem big. This 30 day challenge could not have come at a better time. What a lesson knowing when to take initiative and help and when to obey. Obedience should always come first. I can think of a number of times I have cried out to my heavenly Father with the same words. "I was only trying to help" and as is usually the case, he asked me to obey first. Whoops. Sometimes we forget that part.

Obedience is always the most important of all.

Such a great start to a long weekend. Lord, protect my children as they go through their day. Keep them safe and help them to seek you along the way. I am here to love them and guide them but I know they will stumble and their choices may not always be the best. Help me to be patient in my love and discipline. Thank you for giving me such sweet little ones. They are tender and loving and compassionate, just like you.

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