Diesel Daisy Design

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April showers

It occured to me... I have a blog. You see, this is something that facinates me to no end. I love to talk and I love to write but when given the opportunity, I wonder, do I have anything to say? Well, the most obvious answer to that is undoubtedly NO! However, that has never stopped me before. Even if no one reads this but me, that's ok. So, if you stopped by for some interesting facts that will make life easier... move on. If you have come for some wisdom or insight, you most likely have come to the wrong place. If you have come for a slice of life in my life, well, here you go. Served up with a smile :)

Almost a week ago now I had the joy of going to the dentist. I was scheduled to have a routine root canal and a couple cavities filled. Sounds basic enough. I had my wisdom teeth removed and it went well. So I figured this would be a small inconvience and be over before I knew it. Well, after 3 hours of drilling and whatever else they do, I was informed that I had an infection and would need to take an antibiotic before the root canal could be completed. At the time all I thought was, "thank goodness, I can leave, this woman is torturing me." Then it occured to me, in a short amount of time that I was going to be in pain for a few days. I had no idea I would be numb for a week. I am thankful for numbness if it is taking the place of pain, however. So, tomorrow is the big day. I now get to go back. More nervous and anxious than the first time. I am not looking forward to this at all. My face is still bruised. I am almost back to normal and now I get to return to the torture chamber. This too shall pass.

My children have it tough this week too. It is TAKS week. Aaron is such a joy. I love his attitude about life. As most children, and teachers too, are dreading TAKS, Aaron woke up informing me that today was going to be a great day. He is taking a math TAKS test and he is loving it. I wish I could always get up with the attitude that today is going to be a great day. Jessica is not so optimistic. She does not seem to find much pleasure in life at all these days. I sure hope it is just a phase. Seems I went through that a lot as a teenage girl too.

Along with the typical joys and struggles with life, we have weather. Regardless of what it is, it is never what we want is it? First we have horrible fires across Texas, so we are praying for rain. Then we get horrible storms that come with tornados. Meanwhile, as we keep a close watch on the weather in MT, it seems that they are all praying for sun. They have had enough winter and long for a sunny day. As I child I learned that "April showers, bring May flowers." Well, we are all looking for showers. Just a little rain. Not snow, not tornado's and wind,.., just rain. And not to overdo it either, could it be just the right amount of rain? We are not looking for flash floods or worse. Just a Spring rain, enough to make those beautiful May flowers. Well, since childhood I have wondered who came up with that saying because I have never lived in a place where April brought rain showers and May produced flowers. It is always a bit more delayed. One thing I do know, regardless of the month. God does send us showers. He sends showers, lightening, thunder, storms of many kinds, to remind us that he is powerful and in control and we are not. To let us know that when everything is dark and dreary, there is a brighter day coming. I don't know about May flowers, but there is a rainbow to follow the rain, there is recovery after the storm. God takes us to places that seem dark but He never leaves us and He brings so much growth, we are His flowers. He makes us beautiful and unique and special. We are a fragrant offering meant to encourage and enlighten one another. We are here to help one another through the storms so that we can open up and shine under the sun, because of the Son.

So, my prayer is that whatever storm you are facing, hang tough. Look for the goodness and trust that there is something even better to come. Have a day full of blessing and give praise to the one who holds you in his hand!

Here's to April showers!!

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